The last few days I have been sitting back and thinking about 2011. I have been thinking what a year so much has happened to me personally and professionally that I cant comprehend all that has gone on. But it was an amazing year. I learned alot and I grew alot. I can say I am the happiest I have been in a very long time.
I am learning to stand on my own and find out who I am. But I am also learning to stand with someone beside me and make decisions together. Which isnt as easy as it looks. you would think someone elses opinion would be a good thing lol. but its wonderful having someone to lean on.
I said good bye to my dearest friend of 15 years as I made the heart breaking decision to send her to doggie heaven. But shes in a much better place and showing the doggie heaven God that shes the princess. Then I welcomed the most wonderful, amazing, funny puppy into our lives. Miss Marley. Shes one of a kind but shes very much mommies dog. but she loves her brothers so very much. I have never met a dog who had so much love to give. She does things i dont understand but I still love her. its defently a growing experience for both jonathan and I.
Jonathan and I bought a house. I moved out from my mom (even though I have said I was never leaving lol) and now we are renovating it and making it our own. I love every minute of it. i get stressed out about it. but its all coming together. I moved to a little village called Doaktown. A place I would never imagine I would be. But I love this little community. Its quite and I am happy.
I am learning to restart my business in photography. to go back to the basics. I am in a new place and people have no idea who I am or what my business offers. But because I have to go back to the basics I am learning to fix the mistakes I had last time. I am getting a second chance. and again learning to stand on my own.
I am learning to be a "step" hockey mom. I spend my saturday mornings at the very cold hockey rink. And in the summer the very hot soccer field. But I love those boys. I love watching them grow and change over the year. And have their personalities shine on and off the ice. I never thought in a million years I would want to be a step mom. But these boys bring more joy in my life that I could ever imagine. as sad as it sounds I am turning into my mother. I had a great step father whom I call DAD. Who was always there for me through thick and thin and as I learn from the best I know he is proud.
I have always loved to bake. but was always afraid to take a big step and try different recipes. this blog allows me to do that. I have had so much fun showing you different recipes and have lots more to show this year. I loved going to town and people stopping me saying oh i made this and it turned out great. and it was soooo easy!! thats my plan to make everything as easy as i can.
I have learned to have a little more Faith in my God. I have been tested and tested but I know that I have an awesome God who will never leave me nor forsake me. And will always walk with me and carry me when I need Him too.
This last few days I have heard whispers from some people wondering why I do what I do and questioning the things I have. its been really bothering me. I have worked very hard this year. and I have am proud to say I have alot to show for it. I have come so far and I have never been more happier in my life. But as I trust in God I know that its just Satan being very jealous. As I look back at a year full of events I cherish and love each one of them. God has blessed me with so much and I am thankful every day.
2011 was out of this world. I can only imagine what 2012 holds for me. I cant wait to see.But I am in such a good place I know that it can only get better!
Goodbye 2011. What a year.. I cant wait to see what 2012 brings!!
so 2012 what are my plans? to bake more, try and become a fulltime photographer, take more time for me, be proud of what i have done, and renovate some more. and take more time for fun! see you in 2012! I have also to try not to care what others think. I may say things or do things that people may snicker and or dislike me but its ok.
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