This time one week ago I was laying on the couch, as I do every night, with our dog Marley. She was 61 days pregnant, her belly was huge and I was alone in a snow storm. Every night her and I would lay on the couch and I would rub her belly and pray,"Please God protect these little puppies and let them all look like their mommy and God, I only want 4...6...ok 8. I can only handle 8 but God if you think I can handle more then let it be."
For the next few nights I had no sleep. Every move she made, every noise she made I was awake. I was scared I was going to wake up with a new batch of puppies.
On Wednesday, April 2nd I came home from work. Jon had just flown in that afternoon from Alberta and was on his way to get Brody and Zachary. Everyone was finally home... we were all under one roof... but no puppies yet. I was really tired from my restless nights of puppy watch 2014. So I went up stairs to have a little nap and just relax. Marley came into the room and layed down beside me and gave a big sigh of relief. I patted her and said We are all home now.. you can have your puppies.

at 8:55 pm we sent the boys up stairs to bed. She was laying on her blanket licking herself which she had been continuously been doing for 3 days now. I heard this whimpering. I acutally thought it was Zach upstairs. I went to the bottom of the stairs and said "boys dad will be right up". Well didn't Marley jump up and a puppy went flying. I started screaming "puppies are coming". The boys ran down the stairs and jon came running out of the bathroom and we watched as her puppies came into the world.
She was so scared but she was so happy. You could see the smile in her eyes and but how scared she was in her eyes. I went out to the kitchen and she started crying. I had to sit beside her all night and hold her and pat her. Let her know I was right there.
at about 11:30 pm puppy #8 arrived. She then started resting and relaxing. I thought maybe my prayers had been answered. that I was only get 8. Then at about 1am she started crying again and needed me beside her and then #9 arrived. I said God I only asked for 8. But I guess he knows that I can handle 9.
finally at 4am she let me go to bed. I got up at 7am with the boys and sent them down to see their sister. She was all smiles and lifted her leg to show her brothers her little puppies.
in the last few days our world has changed so much. Marley lets one little cry out and we are there. the puppies whimper and we are there. We are very lucky she lets all of us in her kennel and lets us help her as needed. she also lets us pat them usually not for long. I don't know what its like to have my own kids yet, but if its anything like this... These are the sweetest little angels. I know in a few weeks I'll be cursing about them.
Shes learning to be a mom. We are teaching her that she cant sit on them and she cant step on them. She is constantly looking at us for approval of whether she did the right thing or not.
Last night she was sick all over the puppies. I had to get a bucket of water and some good o Dawn soap and wash them. She felt horrible. She hasn't been the same all day. She was so sad that she did that to her babies.

We are giving away the puppies if anyone would like one. I promise that we will look after them and love them even after they have their new homes. Those puppies are spoiled already! They have more love then they will ever need. They aren't ready for everyone to come visit yet but I will let you know when they are ready.
We are all so in love with them. We are already praying that God will send them to the right home. The hardest part for us... will be letting them go...