Are you a wallflower??
Oh I was and I still am. I think at one time we were all wall flowers. You may see people and they may not seem li
ke a wallflower because they are always dancing with the boy. But they had to start somewhere. Our stories maybe different but the way God sees us is the same. He sees you and you see him. You have captured his attention. He is the boy you see across the hall the has seen how beautiful you are. a little scary.... oh it is!

So you have caputred Gods eye.... so He thinks you are the most beautiful woman in the room. In Psalm 45:10 it says " He is enthralled by your beauty" Remember that enthralled means "capitvated, smitten, spellbound, delighted.... " all those fun words. isn't that cool. God thinks that you are beautiful. He is so stunned by your beauty... that he is coming to talk to you...... ibet he's going to ask you to dance!
He comes over and asks you to dance. Dancing means being fully alive and in step with the movement and plans for my Father.
So are you dancing with Him? Remember He has chosen you ..... He wants to dance with you.
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