Nothin spoils the taste of peanut butter like unrequited love ~ Charlie Brown
Most people will say Valentines Day is the worst holiday of the whole year. Especially if you are not in a relationship. its not always the easiest day for people.
We were made for a relationship. we were made to fall in love and give love and be loved. We were made for the other lovers in our lives and yet with that can come great severe pain.
I will try and tread softly here because I realize for many of us, this hurts. Again our honesty before God will bring truth. The truth of our real needs. The truth of our mistakes. The truth of Gods gently provision. truth will make a way for healing. And the healing salve of Gods love can begin to make you whole again.
If I am suppose to be dancing in the arms of God, and He is suppose to be enough, then why this intense need for others to give me love? what is the role of other people who love me, and the other lovers in my heart and love? why do women spend their lives pining for the affections of men? why do we hold on to the memories of what we have experienced and the fantasies of what could e? why does it matter if they notice or if they call us beautiful? Why did we believe that a man would be the answer and if the first one wasn't then maybe the second or the third one will be?
its as if we are pulled in two different directions. we want to believe that dancing wth God is enough, but there is an honest struggle. We still feel ourselves longing for people. God is truly enough but our lives were never intended to be confined to solitary interactions with God and no one else. we were also made by God to crave the affection of others. We were made for relationship. We were made for the community of other human beings.
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