When daddy first showed me your picture I will be honest I did not want you but he convinced me that you should be with us. After meeting you I instantly fell in love with you. You were going to be apart of our family. I remember when you first met your brothers Brody and Zachary. You fell in love with them. You were so little but you loved to play with them. We had a bon fire that first weekend we had you. You were so played out you fell asleep by the fire. I remember someone coming in the yard and you were so tired you couldn't even bark. At that time your brothers only came every second weekend. Well you slept from Sunday until the next Wednesday (10 days later) and then by that Wednesday you would be so full of energy that I couldnt wait for your brothers to get here.
You have always loved your brothers. We called you their sister. And thats what you truly became. I remember when we were wedding planning and Zach asked who was coming to the wedding. I said oh just our family and friends. Then he asked if you were coming to the wedding. I said Marley cant come to the wedding. Then he said "well you said shes part of the family" That very moment I knew... you were another member of our family. I remember the nights I would go upstairs to bed after your brothers were a sleep and finding you sleeping in their doorway. Protecting your big brothers! Oh and in the mornings you would get mad at me because I closed their door so you couldnt go wake them up. They always loved you waking them up in the morning. You always knew that if you sat under Zacharys feet at the table you would always get a good feast!
You have brought us more joy, laughter and crazy situations... Remember the night you

You were the best thing to ever happen to us. You made us a family. You were our fur baby. I will never forget all the wonderful things that you have taught us. I always say everything happens for a reason. Someday I will know what that reason was. I know that in my heart your new family will love you just as we have loved you.

Enjoy your new family. Teach them about your hard head and stubbornness. Teach them that you love popcorn and when you play catch you don't bring the ball back. Teach them that you like to visit when people take showers or using the washroom. Teach them that you like to sit in front of the heat. Teach them that you give the best cuddles in the whole world! But most of all teach them a love that they never knew existed until you came along
We will always be your family and we will always love you. We love you more than you will ever know because you taught us that.
Love Always
Daddy and Mommy
We will never be able to thank everyone for all they have done for our family. There are 2 very special people that helped us place Marley in a home, you know who you are. We will forever be in in debt to you. I promise that I will do everything I can to help get Bi-laws changed in my community so that no other family can go through what we have. Always remember what goes around comes around!
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