2014 was fill with a lot of changes for me. Just when I thought becoming a wife and step mother and well an Alberta wife wasn't enough.. I got a few other things handed to me this year. But there was so much good that happened this year that out weighs the negative.

So I became an Alberta wife. I thought at first it was a horrible thing. That I didn't know how I was going to go on without my husband. well its not that horrible. After I sat down and weighed the pros and cons I realized that maybe this was a good thing. I learned to be strong on my own. I learn to do things on my own. I learn to have a voice. I got some bills paid off that I have been struggling to pay off. Now they are gone! I miss my husband and I miss having him here to do the little things. But I always believe God has a plan. Now that its been a year maybe this was His plan for me. I feel better about the whole situation and I know my husband is trying to make a better life for me and the boys. Im not saying that its easy but I am learning to live with the situation.
I lost my dog. One of my best friends. But I learned a lot of her. I learned that she came to our family when we needed her and left her paw print on our hearts. She made this blended family a family. She also helped me find a strength and a love for animals I didn't know I had. I was standing up for a dog. But in my world she just wasn't my dog she was little girl. I told people what was on my mind and anyone who knows me knows that this girl don't do that! I miss her I miss her alot. I wonder what she is up to and if she thinks of us. I hope she knows we love her and miss her.

I started taking time for myself. I started with getting my nails done. I started to make myself feel prett and feel special. Thank you to Brittany at Pink Lillies. She made me feel pretty. She is a wonderful at what she does. she makes you feel like you are her only client. And I looked forward to going to see her for that 1 hr of me time!
I started working out I was at the biggest I ever was. My friend Laurie MADE me go to the gym with her. For all those who think they cant do "boot camp" or exercises like that. That was me in September. I was that girl. I was the biggest skeptic. Then I went.... I then started enjoying it. Even though I couldn't do all the exercises that was ok... that was my goal to get to them. I started to feel better. I started to have more energy, I started sleeping better, I started searching for my muscles to be sore. I couldn't do a plank... I can do one now! I also was getting frustrated that I wasn't seeing results. No one was noticing all the work I was doing..... then finally one day someone mentioned wow you are looking great! then it started everywhere I went people were telling me how great I was looking and it made me feel good! I have been away from it for about 3 weeks and I could feel it. I wasn't sleeping well, I was cranky, I felt fat. I cant wait to go back!
Just like anyone else I have had my ups and my downs through out the year. I have questioned things. I have wondered my God has put me through certain things. I have kind of re evaluated my life and know what I want. I have things I want to do. In 2015 my goals are small and I really think do able.

2. Last year one of my resolutions was to print my own personal photos. I want to continue that but now I have so many photos I have to start scrap booking them.
3. I want to come out of comfort zone. I have to get out of my little house and see the world. lol or make it to the grocery store on my own.. ok its not that bad. But I have to get out of my house.
4. in 2014 I got rid of 2 bills... this year I want to get rid of 2 more. or just focus more on my bills. We all have them!
5. In 2014 I got a new camera its been quite the challenge. But I want to continue that! I want to challenge myself in my photography.
I always love the beginning of a new year. There is so much hope and promise. It makes you look back over the past year and see how far you have come, both good and bad. But makes you look to the future and see how Blessed you are.
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